Saturday, January 9, 2021

I've always had a great disdain for the holidays

 I don't like winter. For a myriad of reasons I'll spare you from, but the most important on is that my birthday is only 9 days after Christmas. This year I was especially busy with catching up with school and so I ignored the festivities going on around me. Until Christmas was a couple of days away and like Scrooge himself,  I turned around and saw that I was really spoiling everyone else's spirit. So after catching up as much as I could I let myself be present for the week of New Years and a couple days after my birthday. 

My boyfriend had wanted to treat me to a mini stay-cation for our birthdays, mine is Jan 4 his is Jan 6, but we ended up deciding to postpone our vacation until we had a little bit more spending money. And so I decided to pull of a surprise party for him. 

It was really fun and I almost surprised him but I forgot he had my location shared on his phone. It was really fun working with his mom to make his birthday special though! I baked him a cake and cooked a full meal for his family and even set up silly cute decorations. 

I didn't want to do any crazy for my own birthday. So my family got me chicken wings and my little nephew made me a play dough cake... and my boyfriend bought me a huge brand new smart T.V.

In conclusion this holiday season was unexpectantly super sweet. Here are some pictures.