Sunday, August 30, 2020

A new semester, in a turbulent world

This semester is different from others in so many ways. The last semester ended in the middle of what seemed to be the end of the world. The time between that sudden and unsure disruption in February and now, August, still seems so unreal. I spent those months huddled inside my house and unfortunately in and out of hospitals, due to my mom's medical conditions. The worst part of that semester was having to finish my finals while my mom was isolated in hospital after a major back surgery. Because of the pandemic I wasn't allowed to stay her like I always do, and so my anxiety was through the roof to say the least. I passed all my classes by some stroke of luck but I have never had such a hard time balancing my academic responsibilities with my mental health. 

The beginning of this semester is filled with so many new adjustments, with is new academic environment but also personally. That's not to say I'm not really excited to be back in school especially after a summer locked up in quarantine. School provides a meaningful purpose. I am only four classes away from getting my associates, and this semester knocks out three of the four. Almost there!!