Sunday, October 18, 2020

Names and stories

 My mom chose great names for all three of her daughters, Leslie Elida, Laura Areli, and me, Linda Aidee. I've always thought people's lives play out like books, and most end up being aptly named characters. Names unknowingly fulfil their legacy's, sometimes its a perfect fit, sometimes its a cynical hand of fate and sometimes boring names lead boring lives. 

Leslie means joy and Elida is 'small winged one'. Leslie was in part named after my grandmother who lived a life heavy with burden and hard work. They both have the same brown eyes and steady stare of someone who knows life through a bluer light than most. But Leslie has a smile that somehow never lost its youthfulness. A small winged joy, like a lovely bird on a thorned branch. 

Laura is derived from the latin name for the bay laurel plant, a plant used as a symbol of victory and honor. Areli means lion of God. Laura is the victorious lion of God. You just have to know her to know that her name suites her perfectly. Hers is story she's gracefully and courageously written for herself by herself. 

Linda means beautiful and Aidee is helper, a reward or present. My mom is always thanking her heavenly stars for being stubborn and having me. She was misdiagnosed in the midst of her pregnancy with cancer and the doctor told her she would have to chose weather to have me or to seek treatment. She chose me and a second opinion. Its weird to think of myself as a 'beautiful' helper, but the further I walk down my path the more its guided by the responsibility I feel to help others. 

If AP English has taught me anything is that you can find meaning and symbolism within anything and everything so maybe I can be lumped up with all the crazies that think blood types determine personality traits or star signs tell you how you're gunna feel that day. However the case, I am going to make sure I pick great and indominable names for my kids. And yes I will be continuing with 'L' names too. All my nieces and nephews have L names, Lucas, Leonidas, Luciana, Lauren.


  1. I agree that names can have an impact on the person we are or can become. I love that your mom gave all of you "L" names, and that you and sisters plan to carry on that tradition.

  2. My mother similarly named my brother and me as your mother did. My brother and I's first names end with -IAN, and I have my father's first name as my middle name, and my brother has my father's middle name as his middle name.

  3. Very fitting name of "beautiful helper/reward/present" :-) I'm glad it was a misdiagnosis and your mother chose you and a second opinion! Continue the 'L' names tradition ^_^

  4. So my name last name directly translates to "Wheels" in Spanish. My entire family is from the Philippines so it makes us wonder about the family name.

  5. That is a lovely story about your mom and sisters and I'm so glad your mom was a misdiagnosed. You became your mom's beautiful helper.

  6. That's a great story about your family, and interesting culturally. My nick name means doll in Thai, and my real name means the heart.

  7. I don't think I've met someone whose family also named their kids with the same first letter. All my brothers and I have names that start with A, as well as my cousins.

  8. I agree that our name has an impact on our character. My name has a strong meaning, which lead me to give my daughter her name because of the meaning.
