Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A long day and ponderings about genetic abnormalities

Today was a really long and exhausting day. I had two finals, my mom had a doctors appointment, my dad is in town and was being especially picky with his food and I had barely gotten any sleep. Fortunately the day whined down pleasantly, I got a 95 on one of my exams, my moms appointment went well, and my dad enjoyed the home made chicken wings and fries he requested (I enjoyed them too). I am hoping to get some good sleep tonight and tomorrow get to work making up more assignments. 

Had you guys heard about Klinefelter syndrome? Its a genetic condition where males are born with an extra X chromosome, resulting in XXY. It can't be inherited and isn't known to be caused by any specific reason, its simply a random genetic error. This variance in genetic code has many effects on the lives of those who have it. There are many other conditions just like it where people have extra X or Y chromosomes. It really makes think about how many little variances of normal there are with in our species. Do you think we'd even notice these variances if we didn't have the technology we do now?    Genetic variances can often adversely affect an individuals life, but many times they go unnoticed, silently shaping our lives and on a grander scale even the direction of our species. Of course many variances are caused by environmental factors, such as pollution, others by specification needed to survive, but some really are random, makes me wonder what traits we currently have as a species that just by luck happened to stick. Just some food for thought. 


  1. Congrats on finishing two finals and receiving 95 on one of them :-)

    Chicken wings and fries at the end of a long day sounds delicious and deserving ^_^

    I will open the pathway for you to finish IS101-3022 strong!

  2. I don't think I have heard of Klinefelter syndrome by name, but have heard of the abnormality (having 2 X chromosomes.) Yay for getting two finals done!

  3. Wow, I had no idea there was a such thing as having an extra X chromosome, also known as Klinefelter syndrome. How does one know that they have an extra chromosome?

  4. Congrats on progressing in your other classes this semester. I have never heard of Klinefelter syndrome. It can be an interesting idea to ponder, whether or not other alien species will have a similar genetic make up as humans.

  5. I too have never heard of Klinefelter syndrome, but I do believe there are many undiscovered genetic conditions. I also believe that our species traits are not luck.

  6. Congratulations on getting 95 on your exam. I have heard about KS from my language of medicine class before, it is interesting.

  7. Congrats on finishing your two finals. I have never heard of Klinefelter syndrome but not I'm interested on learning more about it. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Congratulations on getting a 95 on your exam. I haven't heard of Klinefelter syndrome but I have heard of situations where one chromosome is gone.
