Saturday, December 5, 2020

COVID-19 sucks really hard

TW: Sickness. I'm sure you guys have noticed that I was gone for the last 2 months. Unfortunately I contracted COVID and to make matters worse my mom did too. My mom has several underlying health issues and so her symptoms were very severe. For the most part we went through the illness alone, my older sister left us meals outside the door and my other sister would facetime us everyday trying to cheer us up with cute videos of her babies. But the real life saver was my boyfriend who after my initially mild symptoms got worse literally risked everything to come stay with me and help me. For some miraculous reason he remained asymtomatic and was able to take care of us until I finally regained my strength. I have experienced many trials as my moms caregiver, my whole life I have been there to help her through anything and everything. In the beginning of the year I thought we had made it throught the toughest challenge when she recovered from the latestest of a lifetime of surgeries, this one fusing two more vertibrates to the seven that are already caged in. Later in May of this same year two of her medications clashed and she had a siezure right in front me, at the time it was the scariest moment of my life. But this time around, this really topped all of it. Night after night while I watched her get worse, I would measure her temperature and oxygen levels every two hours, watching it rise and fall and praying that it one wouldn't get to high and the other too low. I didn't know what I was doing, and I didn't know who to call. I left my own symptoms unchecked, forgetting to take medicine untill I was drenched in sweat and dreaming sitting up. I really didn't know if my mom would make it and every moment I felt racked with guilt over not knowing how to do things better. But I didn't want to go to hospital and ultimately and I'm glad I didn't because frankly I have little faith in the healthcare system and I knew that being as overwhelmed as they are currently I couldn't garentee I'd see my mom again. Its tough enough for her to be listened to and properly cared for in a healthcare system who constantly overlooks her symptoms, makes simple and unnessecary mistakes, and is disgustingly and blatantly apathetic, while she's in good health. I didn't want her to go through that by herself yet again. For those out there that don't think this is real. COVID is very real. It is not just a flu. It is not some over reaction. You might be fine, you might not show symptoms it might not be that bad for a while but for those that you love that do get hit hard, it is a fight with death. And I know my mom is lucky to have me but think of those grandparents that will have to fight literally by themselves in a hospital room. But we made it through, and now it almost feels like a distant nightmare. Currently my biggest trouble is anxiously waiting as my boyfriend makes plans to ask my dad for my hand and trying to finish all my missing and backed up assignments so I can finally not worry about school... at least until I go back yet again this comming summer for my bachelors.


  1. Very glad to hear you and your mother beat COVID-19 ^_^

    Kudos to you, your sisters, and your boyfriend in supporting you and your mother!

    Boyfriend planning to ask your father for your hand in marriage, how romantic ^_*

    You can still finish IS101 strong. Follow the roadmap I gave you, stay in constant contact every two days, and see you in class :-)

  2. Glad to hear your you and your mother are doing much better and beating COVID-19. I also praise and greatly respect you for keeping faith and optimism to completing the course and finishing the semester strong. Do keep in mind that the NSHE Board of Regents approved a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading option, a great option- just make sure to consider how this affects other future classes (eligibility) or degree completion. Prior to opting for this option, CSN asks that you contact CSN Counseling.

  3. I'm happy to hear that your doing well after being diagnosed with COVID-19. I myself tested positive in the beginning of November and had almost all of the symptoms. I will double down your statement, "COVID is very real." I was unable to do much for about six days and as a young healthy adult I was surprised I was hit so hard. I contracted COVID from work and immediately got tested and sent to isolation that day. My parents also contracted COVID and they both have under lying health issues as well. I still live with my parents because they need assistance on many things. Monitor you and your mother's health. I talked with military doctors that were monitoring me and they informed me of some persistent symptoms. A big one is "brain fog" and loss of taste and smell. Brain fog is when it's difficult for you to concentrate, feeling dizzy, and confused. They haven't had enough time to study the long term symptoms, but these are symptoms that are affecting your neurological state. Take care and keep pushing forward, we are almost done.

  4. I am so sorry that you and your mother both contracted Covid-19 but I am so happy to hear that you are both doing well. You are absolutely right about Covid-19 being very real. I've had friends lose loved ones to this so it is very real. I so proud of you for pushing through to finish the semester strong. You got this!!!

  5. Welcome back! I'm sorry to hear that you and your mother had to experience this. I am sure she is grateful that you were there to help her get through this instead of being in a hospital where overworked doctors and nurses wouldn't be able to give her the care she needs.

  6. I'm extremely glad to hear you guys are feeling better. Luckily, the the people I know who contracted COVID weren't hit too hard by it. Good luck with your boyfriend and finishing up assignments.

  7. I am extremely happy to read your mother and yourself have overcame this nightmare.The sharing of your COVID-19 experience was vivid. I believe you made the correct choice not involving the hospital, my mother has been in there for more than a month for different reasons and has contracted COVID but she is fortunate to be asymptomatic. I am glad you both are in better spirits and health today.

  8. I am very happy to hear that you and your mom are getting better. Covid is really scary with the new vaccine coming out, you don't know if you will have an allergic reaction or not.
