Monday, December 14, 2020

There goes another sunset

I ended this semester with my other classes officially. I ended up with a C+ in ECON 261, B+ in ECON 103 and a B in MGT. I guess I didn't do that bad after all but I feel so drained and tired from being in a mental panic zone for what feels like so long. Last night I didn't sleep until 3AM because I was finishing the last bits of a Business Plan for my MGT class. I'd started working on it the 8th but for no reason other than poor time management and anxiety I put it off and so I was struggling to finish it. But finally I did it. Then I overslept only to wake up to my mom doing yard work first thing in the morning. She's just barely getting better from COVID and she's already trying to do too much. Sometimes it feels like she's trying to take on the world when she gets like that. But I have no choice than to get up and help her because there's no way I can let her do yard work by herself yet. After we were done I made her breakfast/lunch and helped her with a couple of phone calls to doctors and things for my dads work. Next thing I know its well into the after noon and I haven't even changed from pjs and I remember that I left cloths in the dryer so there I am doing a bit of  laundry and maybe just the dishes and then I think well the kitchen needs a little sweeping. Then next thing I know dinner time is just 2 hours till I have to figure our dinner. Usually I would've sat down straight away and worked on one of the thousands of things I have to get done but today I just sat at there and breathed and drew. Next thing I know I hear my mom shuffle her feet in the kitchen, the sound of a scary crime scene video chiming in between the sounds of her trying to help me out with chores. I make dinner for us taking the time to talk to her and listen to all her stories because I know she needs it, but inside I feel anxious and guilty over the work that awaits me on the desk. I do couple of more favors for her and next thing I know the day is over. I help her into bed and head over to my room. I know how perilous it is I finish my work, I know but I am also so exhausted. Like emotionally and physically, and today felt like one of those days that no matter how many breaks you give yourself or do things to distract you from it you still feel it. Ugh but its technically over now and that's the good news. I breathed another day. I am going to stay up and finish as much work as I can until I get sleepy. And tomorrow hopefully I can finish my whole Roadmap! Better said I will finish my whole roadmap. Then I will take a huge nap. Or maybe breath some fresh air. One or the other. 

Also here is a picture of mine just to make things less draby and boring. 

CCDLV Festival 2017? I am in the front with the cap. I recruited all the volunteers in the red shirts. Over 100 volunteers where there that day! I was so proud. I love being a part of the festival.


  1. I applaud you for helping your mother. We need them during our childhood and in return they should be able to rely on us in their elder years. Nevertheless you overcame and finished the semester. Amazing turn out in the festival.

  2. It is so heart-warming to hear all that you do for your mom. I wish I could be closer to mine to help her out more, but living with her is difficult and Hawaii is just too expensive. I know the feeling of an entire day just passing by all too well, but I have no doubt you will finish this semester and graduate :) In a couple of weeks it will be over and you will get to take a well deserved rest!

  3. Glad you were able finish your other Fall 2020 classes :-)

    Physically and mentally exhausting indeed! Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You are young, strong, and intelligent.

    Work on the roadmap to qualify for an extension to finish IS101 strong! I am available to help if needed ^_^

  4. Congratulations on finishing and passing all your courses this semester, especially considering the adversities you've overcome. It is nice to know that we finally have a winter break to relax from our other classes considering we have finished the semester.

  5. Congratulations on overcoming those obstacles this semester and still passing your courses. I know many of us are looking forward to our winter break so we can relax and enjoy our time with our families. Good luck with the rest of assignments and I wish nothing but the best for your future endeavors.

  6. Congratulations on finishing and passing all of you classes this semester. You have accomplished so much this semester. Your mother is so lucky to have you there to help her and I know the feeling of putting family before schoolwork.
