Sunday, December 13, 2020

Thinking about the Unstoppable March of Time

 It feels like just yesterday I was holding my niece as a newborn. I remember staring into her face and wondering who she would turn out to be, what parts of her I would get to keep forever and what parts would fade away. One of the craziest parts of life is realizing that time doesn't just keep going forever with no regard for you, it also changes you. You think your face, your features, are yours but they're not, they answer to time. The faces of your loved ones will change so much so that tomorrow the faces you will know without a doubt would be strangers to you today. My niece was born with dark brown wisps of hair and beautiful grey blue eyes and before my own eyes her hair turned blonde and her eyes green. I didn't see the change happen until it was right there in front of me jarring in juxtaposition to the past. I can't to see how my own face will change with time... 


  1. Yes, time is one thing that we must all answer to :-)

    Your niece is growing up right before your eyes ^_^

  2. Your niece is beautiful! Must get it from her Tia ;) I am always blown away looking at pictures of my children and how much they've changed and grown over the years.

  3. I know this feeling very well. My daughter is 4 now and sometimes I can't believe how quickly she is growing up right in front of my eyes. Your niece is beautiful and she is very lucky to have you.

  4. Time does change us all, but hopefully it will change your niece for the better. It's funny most of us feel we still look the same as we always did.

  5. Your blog post is spot-on and reminds me of the saying: Times change, people change, situations change, relationships change. The only thing constant is change. Every moment we have is so valuable and precious, it's so important to live life happily.

  6. We have a saying in the military and in sports, father time is the unbeaten champion. I also see my nephew growing and it feels like it was just yesterday he was a baby.

  7. Wow, your niece has very beautiful eyes. Sometimes when I look at myself when I was young, I cant believe the difference.
